Discover the power of microdosing Psilocybe Cubensis: What protocols to use?

Microdosing psilocybin, that is, regular intake of a small amount of this substance, requires an individual approach and constant self-observation.

There are many schemes of microdosing, which differ due to the frequency of consumption and the size of the dose. In this article we will present the most popular of them.

If you are interested in the benefits of microdosing psilocybin and what is its therapeutic potential, I invite you to the article Microdosing as an antidepressant?

Individual approach and observation

The types of microdosing may vary depending on the individual preferences and goals that the user wants to achieve. One of the most popular protocols is one in which each dose of psilocybin is about 1/10 to 1/20 of the normal psychoactive dose. In other words, microdosing involves consuming so-called subperceptional doses of psilocybin, which do not produce psychedelic effects, but at the same time have a beneficial effect on mood, creativity and perception.

There are still many questions about the best type of microdosing for psilocybin. Dosage, frequency of administration and duration of the microdosing cycle remain unexplored. Some experts suggest that the most important thing is to test and adapt the microdosing protocol to individual needs and reactions. The effect of microdosing psilocybin on each person’s body can be different, so it is crucial to experiment and monitor well-being.

The most popular microdosing protocols

People interested in microdosing often have problems with choosing the right dose and frequency of psilocybin intake. With the help come schemes developed by practitioners. The most popular microdosing methods were developed by James Fadiman and Paul Stamets.

Fadiman Protocol

Dr. James Fadiman is one of the pioneers of the use of psychoactive substances in psychotherapy. In his protocol, he wanted to clearly separate the days on which the microdose was taken.

The basis of this protocol is primarily the fact that although the effect of a psychedelic substance wears off after a few hours, its impact on functioning may persist even 1-2 days after taking the dose. This protocol also aims to prevent the development of tolerance to psilocybin.

According to Fadiman, microdosing should be done once every three days. It is recommended to observe the body and record any significant changes in well-being or behavior not only on the day of the microdose, but also between them.

The Fadiman protocol does not require additional supplementation and generally does not affect the course of everyday life. However, microdosing every third day requires some caution because the dose is taken on a different day each time.

Stamets protocol

The second very popular microdosing protocol is the scheme created by Paul Stamets, a world-famous mycologist and promoter of the use of psychedelics in self-development.

Stamets recommends microdosing psilocybin for five days in a row, followed by two days off. The author also recommends introducing Lion’s Mane into the diet, which has neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, niacin is often used as a supplement to enhance the effects of other substances. However, sometimes it happens that after supplementing with niacin, a flush effect occurs, i.e. periodic redness of the skin just one hour after consumption.

The undoubted advantage of this protocol is its regularity. The 5:2 system seems to be an ideal solution for people working “Monday to Friday”. This may prove to be a trap, however, given psilocybin’s effects on mood. Psilocybin itself is not addictive, but supplementing it at such a frequency may take the form of “escape behavior”, i.e. subconscious programming of the mind for “good” and “bad” days.

Alternative protocols

As I mentioned, there are many microdosing regimens, many of them individually developed by users. Here are a few of them:

  • Protocol of the Institute of Microdosing – a protocol prepared by the Institute of Microdosing – an organization that has been involved in spreading knowledge about microdosing of psychoactive substances since 2017. The protocol involves taking a microdose of psilocybin every other day for a period of 4 – 8 weeks. This dose can be used by people struggling with depression, ADHD/ADD, social phobia, migraine and cluster headaches.
  • Protocols 2/7 and 3/7 – taking a microdose on two or three selected days a week. These should always be the same days. After a cycle lasting 4-8 weeks, a reset should be performed lasting at least two weeks. This protocol does not require supplementation and in fact the only rule is to use at least a one-day break between microdoses.
  • Nighttime protocol – dedicated to people for whom psilocybin has a calming and sleepy effect. The microdose is then taken not in the morning, but in the evening, about an hour before bedtime. Psilocybin in the nightly protocol is administered every two days, taken for 4 weeks, after which it must be reset. However, here too, depending on your needs, you can introduce various variations over time. Effects reported by people following this protocol include better sleep quality, clearer dreams, greater problem-solving ability, and a better sense of well-being upon waking.
  • Intuitive microdosing – i.e. dosing without a protocol. This type of dosage is determined individually and the rules are based on self-observation. This type of microdosing may be the most beneficial, but is not recommended for beginners.

It is best to test a few selected protocols yourself beforehand to notice differences in performance and learn self-discipline.


Microdosing psilocybin is considered safe, but like any active substance it may cause side effects. The most common include: increased emotional sensitivity, apathy, dizziness, mood swings, feeling tired or drowsy, and anxiety.

It is important to carefully examine the microdosing regimen if you notice any disturbing symptoms. These types of symptoms may result from taking too much or taking psilocybin too often.

Psychoactive substances should not be used by people prone to mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, psychosis or other personality disorders.

Even if there is no such predisposition, microdosing psilocybin should not be used as a solution to emotional problems, e.g. during a difficult period in life. Although microdosing seems to make sense in this situation, it is worth consulting your doctor first.