Guide: How to grow magic mushrooms

Psylocybin mushrooms, also known as Magic Mushrooms, are unusual organisms that have held a fascination in various cultures around the world for centuries. Their psychedelic properties have been used in spiritual ceremonies, rituals and for medicinal purposes. Today, in a time of growing interest in mental health and alternative treatments, these mushrooms are gaining prominence and interest. Recently, their popularity has reached unprecedented levels, and growing them has become much easier than just a few years ago.

Want to try your hand at growing them? Great! In this article, we will try to provide you with a detailed step-by-step guide that will introduce you to the fascinating world of growing these unusual organisms. We will focus especially on the method of using growkits. With this guide, you will not only be able to understand the basic principles and techniques of growing them, but also gain practical knowledge that will make the whole process easier for you. Get ready to discover new possibilities and explore the secrets of mycology, which will open the door to growing psilocybin mushrooms on your own at home. Let’s begin our adventure!

Growkit – what actually is it?

Growkits are comprehensive kits that contain all the necessary elements to start growing mushrooms at home. This is a real must-have for anyone who wants to try their hand at this exciting adventure.

To begin with, however, it is worth noting that growing psilocybin mushrooms involves certain legal aspects, which vary from country to country and region to region. Although the purchase of growkits is fully legal in most countries of the European Union, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with local regulations before you start growing. In this link you can find the current regulations in various countries. Keeping this in mind, we can calmly get to the point. 

Growing psilocybin mushrooms is not only an excellent form of experimentation, but also an opportunity to explore the mysteries of nature and psychology. It can be a way to learn not only about the cultivation process itself, but also about the effects of these mushrooms on human consciousness and perception of the world. By crossing the threshold of this field, we open the door to the world of science, as well as to a deeper knowledge of ourselves. 

Four steps to success

Step one – choosing a growkit

With so many options available, finding the right kit can be a bit overwhelming. It’s worth spending some time researching the market to choose a kit that will best meet your needs and expectations. A key aspect is to choose a reliable supplier, ensuring that the growkit you choose is of high quality and appropriate genetic purity. It is worth paying attention to the different species of mushrooms, as they differ not only in the effects they produce, but also in the level of difficulty in growing them. It may also be a good idea to read reviews and experiences of other breeders. Their reviews can provide valuable tips and help you avoid common mistakes, and make it easier to make the right decision.

Step two – place preparation

Psilocybin mushrooms live and grow best in specific conditions, so it is extremely important to properly prepare the place where they grow. First of all, it is necessary to provide a moist and warm environment that is conducive to their growth. The ideal temperature oscillates between 22 – 25°C. If the temperature in the room is too low, it is worth raising the temperature of the entire room to 23 – 24°C. It is also possible to use a heating mat, but this should be considered as a last resort – be careful not to overheat the mycelium, as the mat works in spots and can cause overheating of the substrate.

Growkit does not require intense lighting, it is enough for the light to reflect off the walls in the room. It is important to avoid direct UV rays. The best conditions are a slightly shaded place, but not total darkness. 

In addition to the right conditions, when preparing the site, it is important to take special care in terms of cleanliness. Before breeding, thoroughly clean all surfaces and tools to prevent unwanted microorganisms, such as mold and bacteria, which can destroy the entire culture.

Step three – irrigation and care

Mushrooms need adequate moisture to grow well. Regular watering is key, but don’t overdo it – too much water can do more harm than good. The right humidity level is around 80-95%. You can use a humidifier or place a container of water near the growing kit. It is also worth spraying the walls of the growkit with water. For this purpose, it is best to use boiled and cooled water. Covering the water as it cools will protect it from contamination by pathogens from the environment, making it safe for the mycelium.

Monitoring mycelial development is an extremely rewarding part of this hobby. By regularly observing the life cycle of mushrooms, you have the chance to notice the subtle changes that occur in their structure and appearance. This practice not only expands your knowledge of their biology and the environment in which they live, but also deepens your understanding of the ecosystem as a whole.

Step four – harvest

When the mushrooms grow to their optimal size, it is the right time to start harvesting. The overall yield of mushrooms from growkits can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the type of mushrooms, the method of cultivation, environmental conditions and the quality of the growkit itself. Importantly, a single mycelium can be used multiple times, allowing for successive harvests from the same culture, provided that the right conditions are met for further fungal growth and development. Regular attention to cultivation parameters and conscious management of the mycelium can significantly affect the efficiency of harvesting in the long term. 

Typically, an average of 200 to 400 grams of fresh mushrooms can be obtained from the first growkit 1200cc. After drying, this amount of mushrooms can yield about 20 to 40 grams of dry mushrooms, depending on the moisture level. Subsequent throws (known as flushes) can usually yield less, from 50 to 200 grams of fresh mushrooms from each successive throw, with a tendency for the yield to gradually decrease after each flush. Typically, you can expect 2 – 5 throws from a single growkit, although results can vary.

In optimal yields, if conditions are ideal, it is possible to achieve a total of about 400 – 1,000 grams of fresh mushrooms from all throws from a single growkit. Final values may vary depending on specific growing conditions and species of mushrooms.


When you have your mushroom growing kit ready and a suitable place secured, it’s time to start the actual growing process. If you’ve purchased a growkit from our store, you’ll find detailed growing instructions in the description of each variety. For ease of use, we also include instructions from the manufacturer.

The entire procedure can be divided into several important phases, which are fundamental to obtaining healthy mushrooms.

 1. Growkit preparation

Begin the process by opening the growkit to carefully examine its contents and make sure everything is in order. Before starting the cultivation, check that there is no visible damage or mold, and that all the contents are healthy and ready for further processing. After unpacking, place the growkit in a well-ventilated area where the temperature and humidity will promote proper mushroom growth. The key here is to ensure proper humidity levels, which usually involves humidifying them.

2. Incubation

After preparing the growkit, we place it in a suitable, shaded place where the temperature remains stable and does not change significantly. At this crucial stage, the process of fungal growth begins. You can observe how white clusters of mycelium appear on the surface of the substrate and begin to develop dynamically within the substrate. This stage of development usually lasts from a few days to a maximum of two weeks, and is critical to the success of the culture, as it lays the foundation for further growth of the fruiting bodies. It is important to monitor conditions, such as humidity and ventilation, during this time to ensure an optimal environment for the developing mushrooms.

3. Fruiting

Once the mycelium completely dominates the substrate in the growkit, it’s time to move it to a location with better light (but still avoid exposure to direct sunlight). At this stage, it is also crucial to increase the ambient humidity level, which can be achieved by regularly spraying the growkit with water. It is good practice to moisten the substrate several times a day to ensure optimal conditions for fungal growth. Maintaining the right level of humidity promotes the rapid development of mycelium and contributes to more efficient fruiting bodies. You may also consider using a humidifier or placing the growkit in a glass cover to better control microclimate conditions.

4. Harvesting

Approximately one to three weeks after the onset of the fruiting phase, the mushrooms will reach readiness for harvesting. The moment the mushroom caps begin to detach from the stems, this is a clear signal that harvesting should proceed. Basically, this is a key indicator that tells us that the mushrooms have reached optimal size and maturity. To harvest mushrooms, you should use clean and sharp tools, which will allow you to precisely cut off the fruiting bodies without damaging the rest of the mushroom and the ground. It’s also a good idea to ensure that tools are disinfected before use to reduce the risk of transferring pathogens to the mycelium. 

Most frequent problems

A variety of difficulties can be encountered in the course of growing growkits, which can affect their development and yield. Below are some of the most common problems that can arise, along with suggestions for potential solutions.


Mold is one of the most common challenges mushroom growers can face. If you notice the presence of mold in your crop, you can follow these recommendations:

  • Remove infected mushrooms – Immediately get rid of mushrooms that show signs of mold to minimize the risk of further spread of the disease. It is important to deal with mold as soon as possible, as its presence can spread quickly and harm the remaining mushrooms.
  • Improve air circulation – Increasing air circulation in a grow room can significantly help eliminate conditions that promote mold. It is important that the air is allowed to flow freely, as stagnation promotes mold growth.
  • Controlling humidity levels – Maintaining proper humidity levels is key in mushroom farming. It is a good idea to regularly monitor the humidity level in the room to make sure it is not too high. Excess moisture creates ideal conditions for mold growth. You can use hygrometers for precise measurements and adjust humidification or dehumidification sources as needed.

Unfortunately, in most cases, getting rid of mold is difficult, and often impossible. If you notice mold on the surface of the growkit, this is most often a signal that the mycelium that should dominate this environment has already been taken over by harmful microorganisms. In such a situation, it is advisable to get rid of the growkit immediately to avoid further spread of pathogens, which can contaminate other crops or equipment. It is safer to invest in a new set than to risk contamination and loss of time and effort in trying to resuscitate a mold-infected growkit.

Lack of growth

If you notice that your mushrooms are not growing, it is worth taking a few steps to diagnose the cause of the problem.

  • Do a thorough analysis of the conditions in which you grow mushrooms. It’s important to check that the temperature and humidity levels there are optimal for their growth. Too low or too high a temperature, as well as improper humidity, can significantly affect their ability to grow.
  • Also, pay attention to how often and how much you water your growkit. Over-spraying with water can lead to problems such as mold or rotting of the substrate, which in turn prevents proper fungal growth. Ideally, the substrate should be adequately moist, but not over-saturated, so it’s a good idea to carefully evaluate your irrigation situation.

Color change

An unnatural color of the mushroom, such as shades of green or black, can indicate the presence of mold.

If the mycelium has taken on a yellowish hue, and an unpleasant odor begins to rise from around it, it may mean that the growkit has been infected with bacteria that may have entered it through the water. If you observe infected areas, try spraying them with hydrogen peroxide, which can help fight unwanted microorganisms. If you notice foam appearing when you apply this solution, this is a clear signal that there is an infection. Nevertheless, if the tarnish is small, there is a chance to successfully remove the infection with the help of the mentioned peroxide water. It is important to monitor the situation and react in real time to save the crop.

New hobby 

Growing psilocybin mushrooms in growing kits can become a very interesting hobby. Careful adherence to instructions and ensuring the right conditions for growth are the keys to success. 

However, it is worth remembering that in some countries, possession of psilocybin mushrooms is considered illegal. Therefore, it is important for you to familiarize yourself with local laws on this issue and bring your activities in line with current regulations.

Mushroom farming is not only the cultivation process itself, but also an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge of nature and discover its secrets. In addition to the practical aspects, mushroom farming is also a great opportunity to explore topics related to biology, ecology and biotechnology. You can learn how various factors, such as temperature, humidity and ventilation, affect the development of mushrooms. 

We wish you good luck in your breeding endeavors, may they be a source of joy and satisfaction!